Wednesday, 26 February 2014

ed burtynsky

today we learned about ed burtynsky..
eds style is kinda of eye opening, he wants people to see his photos and think about what we are doing to the world, polluting, trashing, demolishing, everything. his pictures differ from pollution and trash, to the way people are living, working 10 hour factory days for little to no money.
i see these people having to work on the clock non stop and i couldnt even imagine having to do that.
 this is the photo i chose, i like/chose this photo because its really eye opening and it almost seems unreal.

Wednesday, 19 February 2014


1.8 aperture

8.0 aperture

16 aperture

                                                             { more photos in file }

Monday, 17 February 2014

famous photographer fridays 2.0

This weeks F.P.F took place on a monday, and we learned about Cindy Sherman.
Cindy is famous for her portrait work and her iconic transformations.
Cindy doesnt title her work because she doesnt want people to form a opinion or expect something from the picture to match the title, she wants people to be able to picture whatevers happneing in the photo as whatever they want.
I enjoy Cindy's work because i think its cool and original, i also love how she work(s/ed) alone.
she could wake up one day and deciedes she wants to look like a 50 year old grunpy woman, so she does that, puts on her makeup, puts on her costumes and takes pictures, and she does it good.
here is a photo by Cindy Sherman that i enjoy;

 i like this picture because i can interpret it however i want and it makes me curious, and its hard to believe that Cindy Sherman is somewhere under there.

Friday, 14 February 2014

{ depth of field vocabulary }

 apreture/ f-stop- the aperture of a lens is the diameter of the lens opening which determines the amount of light that enters the camera. Aperture is expressed as an f-stop. The aperture size is related to the focal length of the lens. An aperture diameter of 50mm on a 100mm lens results in a aperture size of 1/2 (50 divded by 100). The aperture size is represented as a fraction, f/2, F2, or f:1.2, and is referred to as an f-stop or f-number.

apreture priority-a shooting mode on a camera where the photographer is able to choose which aperture is used. The camera automatically selects the shutter speed to determine the correct exposure. Selecting the aperture is useful when the photographer wants to control the depth of field.

ambient light-The soft indirect light that fills the volume of a room with illumination. It softens shadows on people's faces and creates an inviting glow in the room.

depth of field-the depth of field (DOF) is the area in front and behind the main focus area that is also in focus.

artifical light- man made lighting i.e, the flash light on your iphone.

ASA/ISO/film speed-Film speed refers to the sensitivity of film to light. Film sensitivity is measured by a set of standards established by the American Standards Association (ASA) and the International Standards Organization (ISO). For all practical purposes, these ASA and ISO numbers are interchangeable. In general, films with a higher sensitivity (larger number) have coarser grain and do not register detail as well as films with lower sensitivity (lower number). Slower film speeds equate to better detail and sharpness in your photographs, and need to be exposed for longer than faster film speeds.

bracket- taking several photos of the same thing with the same setting or background.

depth of field- the back ground in a picture,. (range of difference.)

how to control depth of field- use the f-stops.

light meter- reacts to light in a photo and measures it.

Friday, 7 February 2014

{ famous photographer fridays }

        Todays photographer was Chuck Close.
chuck close is a paralized painter/photographer.
he specializes in large scale realism photos.
he is a very cool calm and collected photographer.
honestly, i wish he did more than portraits and realism photos, because id love to see something interesting coming from him.
these are some of my favourite photos produced by close;

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

{ panorama }

here is my photoshoped panorama
this took a lot of work lol

Monday, 3 February 2014

{ hockney collage }

                                                       here is my attempt at a collage inspired by hockney