Monday, 16 December 2013

painting with light

                                                    we are starting painting with light!
                                              here are 2 examples of painting with light
I like this picture because it simple and fun,
 though it looks quite difficult to make.

                    I like this picture because I think its so cool that you can spell with light.
                                                    and I want to be able to do that.   

Thursday, 12 December 2013

shutter speed photography


    shutter- a mechanical part of a camera that opens and closes the lens aperture to expose the film or plate to light

shutter speeds- controls the duration of the exposure

aperture- controls the area over which light can enter your camera

ISO/ASA- controls the sensitivity of your camera's sensor to a given amount of light

exposure triangle- the 3 rules to the right exposure ( aperture, shutter speed and ISO )

"B" or " bulb " - camera setting that  allows lots of exposure time that the photographer can decide about.

cable release - metal or wire cable attached to the shutter button. there is a trigger on the cable that takes a picture when pressed.

tripod- a object that attaches to the camera and holds it st5ill and off the ground.

bracketing- to take the same picture with different exposures.


                                                                                 painting with light  

                                                                                                 fast shutter speed
                                                                                                  slow shutter speed

                                              multiple exposures        

shutter speed

blurred movement
blurred movement
freeze frame
freeze frame

subject clear / blurry background

                                                                        high shutter speed with a timer

freeze frame- 250-4000
blurred movement- -15
panning- -30
subject clear/blurry background- -8

ice skating

                  yesterday our photo 9-10 major went ice skating, I was skating a majority of the time so unfortunately I didn't get to take as many photos as I would have liked, but I had a great time.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

1. black and white photo.
2. girl is subject of photo.
3. shes wearing a hat.
4. skyscapers in the back.
5.shes wearing a blazer.
1. subject looks confused.
2. this picture could have a thousand different stories.

 1. taken outside.
2. photo is black and white.
3. cloudy out
4. lots of tree pieces.
5.broken windows in the house.
1. looks photo shopped.
2. house looks abandoned.

1. unreadable sign in the background.
2. man in the background.
3. fence in back.
4. black and white photo.
5. water reflection.
1.looks like hes jumping in the water.
2. man has a bit of a blur.

1. trees in the background.
2. its raining.
4. black and white photo.
5. "s" formation path.
1. seems dark and eerie.
2.seems like a scene from a horror story. 

1. tree silhouette.
2. black and white photo.
3. has a purple tint.
4. bridge in background..
5. street lights shining bright. 
1. has a romantic feel to it.
2. has a calm relaxing sense.